Self Improvement Challenge: Awareness + Philippines Trip!

At the advent of 2015, I visited Cebu City in the Phillippines, which is the hometown of my dad. While our trip was mainly business related, it was great to be able to experience my culture at the roots as well as do alot of eating and shopping hehe ^^.

It was a great time to visit the Philippines because of Pope Francis’ visit to the capital, Manila and because of all the preparations for Sinulog in celebration of the child saint. Instead of posting pictures and rambling about what was going on in all of them, I thought I’d simply show everyone in a VLOG that I’ll be uploading early next week so stay tuned for that!

I’d like to take this time to reflect on what I’ve seen and learned during my time in the Philippines and challenge all of you to this week’s theme:


There are many aspects of awareness that can be addressed, but I would like to focus on TWO of these:

ONE; to be aware of your surroundings and get the bigger picture.
The society I’m exposed to is very egocentrical. Everything that we do must be known and appreciated, and this appreciation is measured in the form of social media statistics (ie. likes, subs, reblogs, etc.) However, after taking some time out to step back from the social media scene, I realized how much more was happening before my eyes. While many can afford to live by simply roaming the internet, there are others who make a living in real world. Because the barrier between these two fields is very distinct, its very easy to forget that others are living a completely different reality than you may be living.

Be kind. Your world and your way are not the only ones out there. Take some time to unplug to live the life that others may be posting about, or just do it to be able to live in the world that many consider their one and only reality.

TWO; self-awareness. Consider the attention you give to all the smaller tasks. Contrary to popular thinking, multitasking is a hindrance To have to constantly change your mind frame from focusing on one task to another is unecessarily draining. Following along the idea of being the “jack of all trades,” multitasking usually leads to half-assed work that surprisingly takes longer to completely had you not focused on just one thing at a time.

I know that I have a hard time focusing on doing just one thing at a time because. i literally want to do EVERYTHING. I want to read more, write more, study more, dance more, all while exploring new options in life. However, I have to come to terms that I cannot do everything and must find out what is most important to me so that I may pursue it and excel.


Welcoming 2015!

The New Year is here and Im very excited in welcoming 2015 with open arms and an open mind. 2015 is the year I will be graduating and continuing on to medical school, so I expect this year to be a major turning point in my life. As with every new year, I’d like to take some time and share my New Year’s Resolutions and some points of reflection on 2014:
For 2015, I strive to:
– Write more – Blogging, Fanfiction, etc.
– Read more (educate yourself!) – self improvement, world news, etc.
– Use social media efficiently – unplug once a week
– Find what works for you – take control of your life!
– Smile. All the time. Trust me, you’ll feel better
– Increase your confidence – the world is your runway. People will notice you more when you don’t mind them

From 2014, I learned that:
– If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself
– You can only help others after youre able to help yourself
– Worry more about your accomplishments rather than what others think of you
– Care less. It seems to pay off
– The truth is not always the best anecdote

I believe its important to reflect on the previous year as much as it is important to plan for the upcoming one! Here a few points in which you can reflect on 2014 in order to successfully plan out some great resolutions for 2015!

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